What are you reading at the moment?

- I'm used to read several books same time...

1 'Leonardo Da Vinci' - two biographies.

2 'Pogrom', Rudolf Brunngraber

3 'Roman der Oper' (Giuseppe Verdi) - Franz Werfel

4 'China first', Theo Sommer

5 'Brot', Karl Heinrich Waggerl

6 'The Doctor of San Michele', Axel Munthe

7 'Monde vor der Landung', Clemens J. Setz

Do you like garlic or not

- Love it.

Beatles or Stones?

- Beatles always. Stones never.

If you had one day to live what would you do?

- Say goodbye to children and women.

It is 2097 and your piece is played to an audience of 14 robots, 35 people, and 76 animals of varying sorts, how will they all react and what do you want them to feel?

- Hopefully they will - after listening - cherish trees, water, wind, rocks, cattle, birds, mills, farmers, tempests, portraits, stone houses, temples, cathedrals, villages, books...more and forget the rush to earn money, have a career or be famous or some kind of 'good'...whatever...short: hopefully they feel, like i feel listening to Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Mahler, Ravel, Strawinsky...Beatles, Queen, Prince, Evans, M.Ward...

If you could invent a new instrument what would it look like and how would it sound?

- It would work with wind or water.

In an ideal world when and how should people listen to your music?

- Whenever they want. If they're too dumb for that: Everyday from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Your favourite place to compose: a cave, an attic, a café, on the train, or are you inspired everywhere?

- Everywhere. As long as my woman is not too far away.

Do you sleep on your back, front, or side?

- Both sides.

What is your biggest dream and what is your biggest fear?

- My biggest dream is that food production goes back to little farmers instead of big companies. As a natural consequence: peace on earth.

What bores you?

- Entertainment and marketing.


For a convetional biography